Better Company Culture Awaits

We produce heartfelt documentaries about people living out their company’s core values.


Inspire Your Team


Attract Better Employees


Enjoy Running Your Company Again

Bad Company Culture Hurts Your Business

Lower Engagement

63% of employees are not engaged at work and 24% are actively disengaged, leaving just 13% engaged in the work they’re doing. How much productivity (money) is your company losing?

High Turnover

75% of people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses. Considering 49% of all employees are not satisfied with their direct supervisor, you can see why $11 Billion is lost annually to high employee turnover rates.

Poor Reputation

When an employee leaves because of bad company culture, they talk. They tell everyone they know on LinkedIn and write bad reviews on Glassdoor. A reputation for having a bad culture can make it nearly impossible to hire new talent.

Meet Create Culture

We know how to tell good stories that inspire change

Our founder, Ryan Cathey has been a video producer since 2002. Throughout his career, he has seen a real problem in most of the companies he has worked with. Bad cultures that no amount of marketing, sales, or strategy could overcome. In 2011, Ryan joined a startup as an in-house producer and witnessed first-hand how a toxic culture often meant the end to a company that couldn’t, or wouldn’t change.

In 2019, Ryan gathered a team of award-winning filmmakers to start telling the stories of rock-star employees who live out their company’s core values daily. These documentaries enable our clients to attract top-notch talent, inspire their current team members to step up, and identify areas of improvement in their culture.

This production team has worked with many notable brands including Walt Disney Imagineering, Universal Studios, Warner Bros., Nickelodeon, Microsoft, Fortnite, LEGO, Star Wars, Honda, Acura, NERF, and Listerine.

Ryan Cathey, Founder

Meet Create Culture

We know how to tell good stories that inspire change

Our founder, Ryan Cathey has been a video producer since 2002. Throughout his career, he has seen a real problem in most of the companies he has worked with. Bad cultures that no amount of marketing, sales, or strategy could overcome. In 2011, Ryan joined a startup as an in-house producer and witnessed first-hand how a toxic culture often meant the end to a company that couldn’t, or wouldn’t change.

In 2019, Ryan gathered a team of award-winning filmmakers to start telling the stories of rock-star employees who live out their company’s core values daily. These documentaries enable our clients to attract top-notch talent, inspire their current team members to step up, and identify areas of improvement in their culture.

This production team has worked with many notable brands including Walt Disney Imagineering, Universal Studios, Warner Bros., Nickelodeon, Microsoft, Fortnite, LEGO, Star Wars, Honda, Acura, NERF, and Listerine.

Ready to start creating a better company culture?

It’s time to stop worrying about it and make a decision to start the process of influencing your company’s culture to something better.

1. Schedule a Call

We only take on 10 clients per year, so we must be extremely selective in who we work with. Let’s find out if we’re a good fit.

2. Craft Stories

Experience our tested and really fun process for finding, producing, and showing your company’s best employees’ stories. Learn more here.

3. Enjoy Your Business Again

Watch as your team rallies around each other and your organization’s core values to create an authentically better company culture.

Let's see if we're a good fit

The Create Culture Difference™

Although each of our clients is different, the process we apply to each is the same.

Why? Because it works.

Having a great story is one thing, but telling it well takes talent, skill, and a little magic. It’s the most fun you’ll ever have producing content for your business.

1. Dive Deep

We can’t better any company’s culture without first understanding where it currently is, and where leadership wants it to be. In order to solve this, we spend quality time talking with key executives, managers, and employees to truly understand what makes a company tick. From these talks, we identify several potential stories to be told.

2. Climb Mountains

Once we understand a company’s cultural realities and dreams, it’s time to craft the stories that will inspire change in the hearts and minds of your team members. This is done at a writer’s retreat where we can eat delicious food and get away from the distractions of the office and life. We spend 2 days with key decision-makers from your team experiencing what it means to be Culture Ambassadors™. Together, we identify which of the stories from our deep dive will have the most impact. Then it’s time to write, rewrite, and finely craft these documentaries.

3. Capture Stories

Our award-winning production team starts the work of producing the documentaries. We conduct on-camera interviews, shoot b-roll, and capture the heart of the people featured. Once we have all we need, we edit the footage into visually stunning short-form mini-documentaries. We pay attention to every detail, ensuring a final piece that any company would be proud to display on their home page. We follow current brand standards for your company, making sure you can even use the film as a marketing and recruiting tool.

4. Show. Don’t Tell

Real stories featuring real people have an impact like no other. But if no one hears these stories, nothing changes. This is why with every project we accept, we provide a guidebook for how companies should share these visual stories. Along with this guidebook are many implementation solutions that solve the biggest challenge for any company – getting buy-in from everyone on the team.

“Just because you can’t measure the ROI of something doesn’t mean you shouldn’t do it. What’s the ROI on hugging your mom?”

-Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos

Joy beats perks any day

Culture is the immeasurable, ever-evolving element that accounts for the long-term success of companies, their leaders, managers, and employees. Happy people make better workers, and better workers make for great companies. But offering a good benefits package is no longer enough. We’re not sure it ever was.

The flyer in the break room and the page in the company handbook just don’t resonate anymore. Today’s employee is more cynical, apathetic, and suspicious of corporate America – and not without reason. Many saw their parents’ careers dashed in an instant in the 2000s and witnessed the complete lack of loyalty from their parents’ employers as they turned over their aging workforce for younger, cheaper people. Why should anyone think any differently about your company?

It all comes down to showing, not just telling, your employees, potential hires, and the world what it means to be a part of your organization. And this is where most companies, even the ones with good cultures fail.

This is why we exist. To help companies tell the stories of amazing employees who live out their company’s core values every day, inspiring others to do the same.

Imagine what will happen if your company’s culture never gets better

Lower revenue and profits, disengaged and unproductive employees, a bad reputation, and that nagging sense of dread as you wake up for work every day.

Give your company the culture you’ve always wanted

Find joy in your business again

Inspire Your Team Toward Success

Attract The Best Employees

Increase Revenue and Profits

Multiply your smile production

What are you waiting for?

Better company culture awaits.