The Create Culture Difference

Stories are at the heart of what we do. But not just because we like to tell them. Since before recorded human history, people have used stories to warn of dangers, teach, and inspire social change. Sitting around the campfire telling stories has always been more than just a way to have fun– it is essential to our humanity. Good storytelling is the most effective way of communicating with those around us.


Knowing this, and knowing how important and difficult it can be to effectively communicate a company’s core values, we decided to start We have a passion for finding the little nuggets of joy, the hard-won lessons of pain, and the inspiring tales of triumph. We take these elements and craft them into visual stories that become the centerpiece of an internal marketing campaign for use throughout your entire organization.

Learn More

1. Dive Deep

We can’t better any company’s culture without first understanding where it currently is, and where leadership wants it to be. In order to solve this, we spend quality time talking with key executives, managers, and employees to truly understand what makes a company tick. From these talks, we identify several potential stories to be told.

2. Climb Mountains

Once we understand a company’s cultural realities and dreams, it’s time to craft the stories that will inspire change in the hearts and minds of your team members. This is done at a writer’s retreat where we can eat delicious food and get away from the distractions of the office and life. We spend 2 days with key decision-makers from your team experiencing what it means to be Culture Ambassadors™. Together, we identify which of the stories from our deep dive will have the most impact. Then it’s time to write, rewrite, and finely craft these documentaries.

3. Capture Stories

Our award-winning production team starts the work of producing the documentaries. We conduct on-camera interviews, shoot b-roll, and capture the heart of the people featured. Once we have all we need, we edit the footage into visually stunning short-form mini-documentaries. We pay attention to every detail, ensuring a final piece that any company would be proud to display on their home page. We follow current brand standards for your company, making sure you can even use the film as a marketing and recruiting tool.

4. Show. Don’t Tell

Real stories featuring real people have an impact like no other. But if no one hears these stories, nothing changes. This is why with every project we accept, we provide a guidebook for how companies should share these visual stories. Along with this guidebook are many implementation solutions that solve the biggest challenge for any company – getting buy-in from everyone on the team.

1. Dive Deep

We can’t better any company’s culture without first understanding where it currently is, and where leadership wants it to be. In order to solve this, we spend quality time talking with key executives, managers, and employees to truly understand what makes a company tick. From these talks, we identify several potential stories to be told.

2. Climb Mountains

Once we understand a company’s cultural realities and dreams, it’s time to craft the stories that will inspire change in the hearts and minds of your team members. This is done at a writer’s retreat where we can eat delicious food and get away from the distractions of the office and life. We spend 2 days with key decision-makers from your team experiencing what it means to be Culture Ambassadors™. Together, we identify which of the stories from our deep dive will have the most impact. Then it’s time to write, rewrite, and finely craft these documentaries.

3. Capture Stories

Our award-winning production team starts the work of producing the documentaries. We conduct on-camera interviews, shoot b-roll, and capture the heart of the people featured. Once we have all we need, we edit the footage into visually stunning short-form mini-documentaries. We pay attention to every detail, ensuring a final piece that any company would be proud to display on their home page. We follow current brand standards for your company, making sure you can even use the film as a marketing and recruiting tool.

4. Show. Don’t Tell

Real stories featuring real people have an impact like no other. But if no one hears these stories, nothing changes. This is why with every project we accept, we provide a guidebook for how companies should share these visual stories. Along with this guidebook are many implementation solutions that solve the biggest challenge for any company – getting buy-in from everyone on the team.

1. Deep Dive

Look below the surface

This is the trailhead for every storytelling adventure on which we embark. We dig and uncover all of the hidden treasures that make a company what it is. Just like a real journey, we must first get our bearings, figure out where we are, and create a map to where we’re going.


Key Steps
  • Kick-off meeting
  • Meet Key People
  • Distribute Company Survey
  • Research Company Culture
  • Study Core Values
  • Distribute Story Questionnaire
  • Interview Leads
  • Outline Preliminary Storylines

Climb Mountains

Hike the summit

This is where the magic happens. With every premium package, we insist on a writing summit. An art director, some writers, a producer, and a couple of your key decision-makers come together for two days to eat delicious food, solidify storyboards and scripts, and enjoy some nature. When we leave, we know the exact plan and how to move forward.

We usually hold these retreats at a luxury cabin in the mountains of Southern California. But don’t worry. There’s always plenty to do to drum up the creativity. Short walks, games, video theater, and reflection time are all part of the agenda. It’s fun, inspiring, and an experience you won’t soon forget.


Key Takeaways
  • A solid plan for which stories to produce
  • Identify all deliverables
  • Create buy-in from all decision-makers
  • Forge memories with our new Culture Ambassadors™.

Capture Stories

One Shot At A Time

Company culture begins and ends with stories. Everyone talks and everyone has a story. What are the stories your employees are telling each other and the world about your company? About you? It’s important to note that these documentaries we produce are not designed to tell a fake narrative about a non-existent utopian work environment. Rather, they are designed to help the company bend their culture toward an ideal, through selective recruiting, change, and encouragement. From Pre-production to the final edit, we make sure every frame reflects your company’s ideal, yet authentic, culture.

We use the same equipment, techniques, and processes used in Hollywood to produce some of the world’s most moving films. 


Key Steps
  • Pre-production
  • Production
  • Post Production
  • Create Distribution Guidebook
  • Deliver final documentaries

Show. Don’t Tell

Deliver Joy

In the end, what we’re all trying to accomplish is the creation and nurturing of quality, long-lasting companies. And the central piece to that formula is always happy people who enjoy coming to work. So let’s show them how it’s done. Not through a paragraph in the employee handbook, or the goldenrod flyer hanging in the break room. Let’s draw them in, entertain their soul, and inspire them to create, live, and breathe a culture to be envious of.


By The Numbers
  • 64% of all employees do not currently feel they have a strong work culture. We’re changing this.
  • Companies with engaged employees outperform those without them by up to 202%.
  • Peers and camaraderie are the #1 reason employees go the extra mile, not money.
  • Unhappy employees take 15 more sick days each year than the average worker.

What are you waiting for?

A better company culture is waiting for you.