Here are 20 company culture stats that you need to know:

#1: 64% of all employees do not feel they have a strong work culture

#2: 49% of all employees are not satisfied with their direct supervisor (that’s 1 out of every 2 employees for those of you who are keeping score at home…)

#3: Companies with engaged employees outperform those without them by up to 202%

#4: More than 1 in 4 employees do not have the appropriate tools to be successful in their jobs

#5: Peers and camaraderie are the #1 reason employees go the extra mile, not money

#6: 71% of employees are not fully engaged

#7: Only 21% of employees feel strongly valued at work

#8: 87% of the global workforce is disengaged

#9: There’s 2.5x more revenue for companies with engaged employees versus competitors with low engagement levels.

#10: $11 billion is lost annually due to employee turnover

#11: 75% of people don’t quit their jobs; they quit their bosses.

#12: Highly engaged employees are 87% less likely to leave the company they work for than their counterparts

#13: Only 12% of employees leave their job for more money elsewhere

#14: Turnover at companies with a poor culture is 48%

#15: Turnover at companies with a great culture is just 14%

#16: Happy workers are 12% more productive than the average worker and unhappy workers are 10% less productive

#17: 63% of employees are not engaged at work and 24% are actively disengaged, leaving just 13% engaged in the work they’re doing

#18: Unhappy employees take 15 more sick days each year than the average worker

#19: Low engagement results in a 33% decrease in operating income and an 11% decrease in earnings growth

#20: High engagement, however, results in a 19% increase in operating income and 28% increase in earnings growth

So to sum it up, a company’s culture is responsible for a huge amount of its successes and failures.

If you’re ready to start making a cultural change for good in your company, make sure you reach out.

All data sourced from TruPath.